Log In Twitter

I cannot remember the username I used.

Nov 20, 2019 The alerts will enable you to confirm that it was, in fact, you who logged in on the new device, or to take relevant reporting action if it wasn't - though it seems odd, based on this wording at least, that Twitter would send those notifications via, potentially, the app through which you've just logged in. Ideally, the push notification would come through the app if a login attempt is made on. The latest tweets from @myaccount.

  • Use your account email address and password to log into Twitter.
    • If your password is not working, request a new password by entering your email address in our reset form.
    • If our system cannot find your email address, you may be entering the wrong one. Keep reading.

I cannot remember the email address I used on my account.

  • Use your account's username and password to log into Twitter.
    • If that does not work, visit our password request form and enter the username or email addresses or mobile phone number you think you used. Then, check all your email inboxes – we will send password reset instructions to the account's email address.

I cannot remember the phone number I used on my account.

Log in twitter by facebookLog
  • If you are prompted to enter a mobile phone number when requesting a password reset, and cannot remember what phone number you used, enter your username or account email address.
Log In Twitter

Log In Twitter Using Facebook


I think my account has been hacked!

  • See our 'hacked' help page for next steps, including a quick way to contact us for assistance.

Example URL to redirect to:

The sign in endpoint will behave in one of three ways depending on the user’s status:

Log Into My Twitter Account

  1. Signed in and approved: If the user is signed in on twitter.com and has already approved the calling application, they will be immediately authenticated and returned to the callback URL with a valid OAuth request token. The redirect to twitter.com is not obvious to the user.
  2. Signed in but not approved: If the user is signed in to twitter.com but has not approved the calling application, a request to share access with the calling application will be shown. After accepting the authorization request, the user will be redirected to the callback URL with a valid OAuth request token.
  3. Not signed in: If the user is not signed in on twitter.com, they will be prompted to enter their credentials and grant access for the application to access their information on the same screen. Once signed in, the user will be returned to the callback URL with a valid OAuth request token.

The possible states for the sign in interaction are illustrated in the following flowchart: