Sublimetext Markdown

Sublime text markdown editing

Sublime Text Markdown Package

When I use Sublime Text to edit Markdown files, I appreciate the Syntax Highlight provided by Markdown Light plugin, but just like built-in and other Markdown plugins, they can’t provide auto completion for embedded LaTex statements in Markdown files. But it’s very common nowadays to mix various branches of Markdown with LaTex-like math equations, it will ease my pain if I can have LaTex auto completion when editing Markdown files.

Here is the simple solution:

1 Install LaTexBox plugin, which gives us LaTex auto completion.

2 Modify /Packages/LaTeXBox/, like this.

Here Are the Steps To Turn Sublime Text 3 Into the Ultimate Markdown Editor For Windows, mac or Linux. Mostly notes for myself:Install Package Control alphaInstall the Markdown syntax coloringInstall Markdown PreviewInstall Live ReloadInstall LESS syntax highlightingInstall CoffeeScript, Jade. Ayu is a simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions — dark, mirage and light for all day long comfortable work. Ayu from version 3.0.0 supports customization via A File Icon package.


Sublime Text Markdown Editing

After a brief stint with TextMate 2, I recently started playing around with Sublime Text 2 for writing, and I thought I’d share the links and tips I’ve collected so far. I use Sublime Text 2 for. I edited a bunch of MultiMarkdown tables in Sublime Text 3 yesterday, and by about halfway through I'd developed a pretty good system. I thought I'd document a couple of tricks for my own future.

Sublime Text Markdown Pdf

These two modifications expand the processing scope from tex to tex and markdown, and guarantee LaTex syntax will also get auto completion in Markdown files.

Sublime Text Markdown Preview

Using similar method, you can mix auto completion of any multiple syntaxes. (Caveat: you can’t mix Syntax Highlight in this way)